

C.C. is just your average immortal witch, she loves pizza and really likes getting lewd with people, regardless of gender!

Kinks and Limits



Her lovely alien brat and her fellow pizza lover~!
C.C. found her when her ship crashed and conveniently landed in her backyard, since then they live together and give each other all the cuddles they need~ ♡


Her pet, which really is in love with her feet, especially when there is pizza between then~
The two randomly met one day an discovered that their kinks are pretty similiar, hence why they are bringing satisfaction to each other since then.


The two decided to move in together as friends, but once they became roommates their relationship tightened and became more sexual.
Now the greatest satisfaction in their live is their time together and each other’s body.

Her Powers


Due to her having the power of the Geass she is immortal, that means nothing and no one can kill her, the worst that can happen is that she becomes unconscious for a while, but nothing worse than that.


She is able to give the power of the Geass to other people in the form of a contract formed between the two. This power can be anything the other person desires, and the return for C.C. heavily depens on how much she likes the person she makes a deal with.

Unlimited Pizza

Not really any super power, but she tricked PizzaHut into selling her a lifetime supply of pizza, they greatly underestimated how much pizza one person can eat, hence why they were already making a loss after one week. This means free pizza for C.C. and anyone who she feels deserves some too!


The beginning

C.C.used to be a normal girl in the medieval times before she accepted a geass contract herself, not too long after she accepted the immortality code, causing her to become immortal in live to this day, without ever coming close to dying or finding someone to spend her time with.


Today she is living i an apartment in a little city, spending most of her time sleeping, eating pizza or cuddling with someone. She is always happy to have visitors and is always willing to welcome anyone with pizza, hug, cuddles and lewd stuff, they just have to ask her. She rarely goes out, but if she does it's almost never alone and she is most likely on a date with someone, enjoying some pizza and the time with that person.